Can I visit the kennels before booking?

You are more than welcome to visit. Any day is fine but please come after 11am and before 3pm. We have a Ring door bell, when you arrive ring the bell and we will be around. But please be aware that we may be walking dogs and so may take a few minutes to get to you. There is always someone here.

Can I bring my own food and bedding for my dog?

Yes you can bring anything you like, we have fridge and freezers for raw food. You can bring bedding or though we do have loads, you can also bring any toys, but we do end up with a lot of toy’s/bedding (if it gets wet and dirty we wash everything) getting lost/mixed up and dropped in the field and then we dont know which is which. We try to make sure you get everything back but cant guarantee it. We do have a left/lost property box, things always turn up just not when you leave !!

Can we give Medication?

We have no issues with giving medication. But please ensure clear instructions are written out and given to us.